Friday, February 24, 2012

Top20 {difference-top: 20px;}.

/ * Start from the original. CSS * /. borderTanBgWhite {border: 1px solid lasix heart medication # BCBCBB; limit radius: 4px;-MZ border radius: 4px;-WebKit-border radius: 4px; background: # FFFFFF;}. borderTanBgWhite. borderInside {margin: 1px; border: 5px solid # D2CBC4; limit radius: 4px;-MZ border radius: 4px;-WebKit-border radius: 4px; background: # D2CBC4;}. borderTanBgWhite. contentInside {border radius: 4px;-MZ border radius: 4px;-WebKit-border radius: 4px; background: # FFFFFF; padding: 5px 10px;}. borderWhiteBgTanShadow {position: relative; border: 1px solid # D0D0D0; limit radius: 4px;-MZ border radius: 4px;-WebKit-border radius: 4px; background: # FFFFFF;

-WebKit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px # 888; Health-field shadow: 0 0 5px # 888; field shadow: 0 0 5px # 888; behavior: URL (. / CSS / PIE HTC);}. borderWhiteBgTanShadow. borderInside {margin: 8px; border: 1px solid # D0D0D0; limit radius: 4px;-MZ border radius: 4px;-WebKit-border radius: 4px; background: # EFEFE5, padding: 10px; behavior: URL (/ CSS / PIE HTC); position. relative d-index: 1;}. borderWhiteBgTanShadow. borderInside form. borderWhiteBgTanShadow. borderInside was borderWhiteBgTanShadow. borderInside label. borderWhiteBgTanShadow. borderInside label was borderWhiteBgTanShadow. borderInside input [type = "text"]. borderWhiteBgTanShadow. borderInside input [type = "password"]. borderWhiteBgTanShadow. borderInside select {color: # 555;}. bold {font: bold;}. overflowAuto {overflow: auto;}.do i have emphysema marginTop15 {difference-top: 15px;}. marginTop20 {difference-top: 20px;}. MH-section {margin: 20px 13px 13px 0}. MH-subhdr {padding-bottom: 5px; color: # 555, font: 16px;}. on-subhdr {font-size: 14px; font: bold color: # 555;}. on-chkbox {vertical align: bottom;}

0. 4s, opacity: 0;}

# {passwordContainer position: absolute width: 300px; g-index: 10001;}. Reg-enterEmail {text-align: left; font-size: 12px; difference-right: 5px; difference-top: 50px; position: relative}. Reg-enterEmail label {display: block font-size: 14px; color: # 555; difference-top: 20px}. Reg-enterEmail input [type = "text"]. Reg-enterEmail input [type = 'password'] {width: 100%; display: block; padding: 6px 2px; difference-top: 3px;}. Reg-enterEmail button {difference-top: 10px;}. Reg-enterEmail # {pwerror difference-bottom: 10px; color: # 8f2b27;}. Reg-enterEmail # pwerror IMG {vertical align: middle;}. Reg-failure {text-align: left; font-size: 10px; color: # 555; difference-top: 10px;}. Reg update {difference-right: 80px}. Reg update Affairs {difference-top: 20px;}. reg reg renovation renovation input [type = "text"]. Reg update input [type = 'password'] {padding: 3px, width: 310px;}

, the bladder {text-align: left; font-size: 16px; font: bold, color: white; position: absolute width: 255px; left: 20px; top:-1px; background color: # c94324; border: 1px solid # c94324;-WebKit-border bottom left radius: 8px;-WebKit-border bottom right radius: 8px;-MZ border radius-BottomLeft: 8px;-MZ border radius-BottomRight: 8px; limit range: 0 0 8px 8px;-WebKit-field shadow: 0 2px 4px # c94324;-field shadow Health: 0 2px 4px # c94324; shadow box: 0 2px 4px # c94324; behavior: URL (/ CSS / PIE HTC.), g-index: 2;}

, the bubble period {display: block; padding: 4px 5px; font-size: 22px;}

, the bladder: the bladder was: after {content: "" position: absolute width: 0, height: 0;}

Languages: to {left: 30px; top: 46px; border: 5px solid, border color: # c94324 transparent transparent # c94324;}

Languages: after {left: 38px; top: 46px; border: 0px solid, border color: # c94324 transparent transparent # c94324;} . or divider {difference-top: 20px; alignment: center, top border: 1px solid # D0D0D0;}. or divider range {display: block, width: 30px; field:-10px auto 0 auto; background: # EFEFE5, color: # 555, font: 14px;}. SPR-signupnow {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.')-20px-20px repeat no, width: 116px, height: 25px; cursor: pointer, text-indent:-9999px;}. SPR-unsubscribeme {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.) 560px-20px repeat no, width: 153px, height: 25px; cursor: pointer, text-indent:-9999px;}. SPR-cancel {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.) 420px-20px repeat no, width: 83px height: 25px; cursor: pointer, text-indent:-9999px;}. SPR-imagine {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.) 280px-20px repeat no, width: 83px height: 25px; cursor: pointer, text-indent:-9999px;}. SPR-SignIn {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.) 880px-20px repeat no, width: 79px height: 25px; cursor: pointer, text-indent:-9999px;}. SPR-erroricon {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.')-1379px-19px repeat no, width: 31px height: 28px; cursor: pointer;}. SPR-s {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.) 180px-20px repeat no, width: 52px height: 25px; cursor: pointer, text-indent:-9999px;}. SPR-unsubscribe {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.')-1440px-20px repeat no, width: 116px, height: 25px; cursor: pointer, text-indent:-9999px;}. SPR-saving {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.) 760px-20px repeat no, width: 72px height: 25px; cursor: pointer, text-indent:-9999px;}. SPR-facebookicon {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.')-1250px-20px repeat no, width: 15px height: 15px; vertical alignment: bottom, right side: 5px;}. SPR-alertptr {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.')-1640px-16px repeat no, width: 16px height: 16px;}. SPR-about {difference-top: 2px; float: right;}. SPR-close {border: none; background: URL ('/ image / sprite check PNG.')-1678px-19px no repeat; display: built-in unit, width: 48px height: 13px;}. PNG)-1639px-18px repeat no, width: 15px height: 9px;}

/ * end of primary. CSS * /

# {loginbox position: absolute; g-index: 9999, width: 250px; display: none;}. Reg-SignIn {text-align: left; font-size: 12px; color: # 666; difference-right: 5px;}. Reg-SignIn label {display: block;}. Reg-SignIn input [type = "text"]. Reg-SignIn input [type = 'password'] {width: 100%; display: block; padding: 6px 2px; difference-top: 3px;}. Reg-SignIn button {difference-top: 10px;}. lineHeight18 {line-height: 18px;}. field errors {difference-bottom: 10px; color: # 8f2b27; gaps: normal;}. field errors IMG {vertical align: bottom, right side: 5px;}. Reg-link {font-size: 11px; color: # 555;}. Reg-reference interval {margin: 0 5px;}. Reg-link {color: # 006599! important cursor: pointer;}. bgJoin {background: URL ('/ images / BG-p-join JPG.) 0 116px not repeat! importantly, padding-bottom: 100px! important;}. Reg-subhdr {width: 630px; color: # 555, font: 14px; font: bold;}. Reg-text {width: 630px; color: # 555; difference-top: 25px;}. loginbox-err {}. pound-err-box {float: left; difference-right: 10px; width: 31px; clear: no}. pound-err-MSG-box {float: left; width: 160px; clear: no}. Date-BTM {float: right padding: 0; margin: 0; width: 260px; font-size: 11px; font: bold color: # 333, alignment: right;}. Date-CTR {float: right, padding-top: 7px; margin: 0; width: 260px; font-size: 11px; font: bold color: # 333, alignment: right;}. imposing body {top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; background color: # FFFFFF; opacity. 5, filter: alpha (opacity = 5), MH-opacity: 0. 5, g-index: 1000;}. HL-pagin {}.

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